Roof Painting | 3 Sharp Considerations When Painting Your Home's Roof

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If you're planning on undertaking roof painting to refresh the look of your timeworn and shabby roof, then you've made a good decision because this small refurbishment will add tremendous value to the aesthetic appeal of your home. This guide is designed to help you consider certain sharp factors when you paint your home's roof.

Avoid Roof Painting On Breezy Days

Airless painting using a spray gun is ideal for painting roofs because it is quick and effortless. You'll want to avoid spray roof painting on windy and breezy days because there's always the chance of over spraying, which will be transported a long way when it is breezy. This over spray could end up spilled against your walls, your vehicles and other structures that could end up looking too messy. If you're undertaking the task on your own, make sure you look at the weather forecast and avoid windy or rainy days. The best thing is to start early in the morning, so that you avoid the direct heat of the sunlight during this roof painting task.

Break Up Paint Job Into Sections For An Easier Paint Job

Your roof is probably quite big, so it may be best to break it up into small sections to ensure that you cover all areas evenly without missing out on any spot. Be sure to start at the top of every section and work your way downward to avoid getting backed into a corner somewhere on your roof. Every time you begin a new section, start your roof painting from the bottom edge of the previous section to avoid any overlapping marks. Keep the sections small, so that you're able to cover all areas of your roof comprehensively.

Choose Between Oil And Water Based Paints Based On Your Roofing Material

Water-based paints for roofs are ideal for shingle tiled and concrete roofs because these adhere better to the surface and protect them from weather elements. If your roof has completely faded, then you may want to apply a roof sealer before your roof painting job. If you have a corrugated iron roof, then oil-based paint is probably best suited to it because it helps to protect the inner material from rust and corrosion. Water-based paints, oil-based paints and roof sealing solutions are available at most home improvement or retail paint stores. You may need to apply two coats depending on the extent of your problem, so make sure you have enough paint.
